Friday, June 10, 2011

"I am Mexican and I celebrate it"

“I am Mexican, and I celebrate it”.

There is enough negative coverage about Mexico in the news. The headlines about killings, drug violence and travel warnings make the pages of American newspapers every day. However, when it comes to telling the good news about Mexico and Mexicans sometimes it is hard to hear about it.

This is really good news.

Last year Mexico celebrated the bicentennial, the anniversary of the 200 years of Independence from Spain. This year the fiesta continues but the heart of the 201 anniversary is not just history, but those who are currently writing it.
“Soy mexicano y lo celebro” (I am Mexican and I celebrate it) is the theme of this year’s celebrations in Dallas-Fort Worth. The Mexican consulate in Dallas rolled out a plan this week that will not only rejoice Mexican culture, but also Mexicans and their contributions in the United States.

The General Consul of Mexico in Dallas, Ambassador Juan Carlos Cue-Vega, said that it is not only important to celebrate Mexican traditions, but also to celebrate Mexican pride. He thinks it is necessary to improve the image that many people in the United States have of Mexicans. “We want to get rid of this image of the typical Mexican who is always late, we want people to know the typical Mexican who is always making an effort, the typical Mexican who cares about their family and about their job”, added Cue-Vega.

The consulate will develop an agenda to promote Mexican culture, values and pride. It will mainly include Mexican talent, and will make an effort to promote participation of young Mexican and Mexican-American talent. The big celebrations will take place on September 15th in Fort Worth and September 16th in Dallas. “We hope that this campaign will make Mexicans feel better about themselves; improving their self-esteem and having that feeling of pride can translate into positive contributions to their communities, said Cue-Vega.